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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: In Honor of Father's Day

When I lived on the Upper West Side, I used to pass this sign every day on the way to take my kids to preschool.

It always made me sad. I came across this photo I took of the sign when I was looking through some old pictures on the computer, and thought with Father's Day coming up it was as good time as any to share these thoughts.

And yes, reading this still makes me sad. (You may have to click on the photo to be able to read it.)

Here's hoping next Father's Day all the dads are back home.


  1. I love that!

  2. Forgot to mention that I'm following you now via GFC! :)

  3. Thanks for posting.


  4. Oh wow! This is sad. I hope all the dads come home too!

  5. I just had a hand to heart moment. That is so touching and so sad.


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