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Monday, June 13, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: A distressed collar is not a ruffled shirt.

When our son is wearing one of his many cool hipster-in-training shirts, they sometimes have distressed or frayed details. An uneven neckline perhaps.
Slub Tee from Appaman.com
The shirts do not have ruffles. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

They are shirts, for boys.

Now, if you wanted to talk about his Emo make-up choices, you might have a point...

This is my nineteenth instruction for my husband in my ongoing series Instructions for my Husband.

Do you and your husband share a sartorial vision, or does he also need a little fashion guidance?


  1. Did he mean pleats?

    I'll admit that I am totally fashion-less. I'll describe something as fuschia with folds when it's actually purple with - ruffles. That said, I dress my daughter (and sometimes my son) the way I WISH I had the guts to dress. So fun!

  2. Harv is so much more fashionable than I am. When we got together, he was wearing Italian-made flip flops (flip flops!) and I was sporting a 6 dollar bag from Target. He's all into that fashion stuff. It's okay though, it gives me one more thing to make fun of.

    Ruffles. HA!

  3. @Kristen I love dressing the kids super fashion forward too - even though i am totally not myself either.

    @elizabeth - i think harv may be more fashionable than all of us. i want to see those italian flip flops!

  4. Ha! I love that he called them ruffles.

  5. love the "hipster-in -training" -- so true. I draw the line, however, at the faux-vintage rock-n-roll t-shirts that kids are forced to wear by parents who can't face the fact that their days of closing the bar at Mercury Lounge are OVER GONE DONE. My husband needs more instructions than you can shake a stick at, but I will say this, with tremendous pride: my husband has (finally) chucked his pleated-front pants. Sing hosanna. I pointed out that no middle-aged person needs waistline amplification.

  6. @mannahattamamma i am deeply envious of the pleats-free home you live in.


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