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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Glad I Saw It: The World Through My Son's Eyes {Worldess Wednesday}

My toddler son stole my phone. And took a bunch of photos. I love seeing his world.

Note: Although I love seeing my son's world's-eye-view, I also would like to see the rest of the photos I have taken in the last month or so. But those are now deleted. Thanks a lot, kid.

Mutterschwester is the originator of Glad I Saw It. And her recent post Glad We Met: My Grocery Store Buddy is a can't miss read.


  1. Awwwwww. He likes the foot pictures just like you!

  2. i am surprisingly touched you remember that, like mother like son i guess.

  3. This is amazing! My son loves taking photos - and really, some of them are absolutely amazing. He photographed the water streaming out of the bath faucet. Beautiful.

    Now I'm even more glad you've jumped on this Glad I Saw it thing - love the directions it's taking!

  4. Is Ziggy stomping "We Like Kindergarten"?

  5. You gotta love what lurks behind those little minds!

  6. LOL. I have similar photos! Great post.


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