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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Day at the New York BlogWorld & New Media Expo and BookExpo America, Too

I had a great day at BlogWorld today. I heard a bunch of fantastic speakers including one of my favorite bloggers Heather Solos, who writes Home Ec 101. I was lucky enough to meet her in person, and she was nice enough to explain to me how to attach my conference badge to my lanyard, 'cause she's awesome like that and honestly, she really does know everything.

I also spent some time over at BookExpo America, and while it was a little overwhelming for me as a first time visitor, there is something very special about being around endless aisles of books and the people who love them. The bibliophile in me was very grateful for this experience. (Memo to self: Find more time to read!)

I was so happy to meet some of the bloggers I know online in person finally, like Corine from Complicated Mama, Elise from Here in this House and Thien-Kim from I'm Not the Nanny.

I was also very glad to catch-up with Maria from New York Mom and Holly from The Culture Mom who I wish I saw more often.

Maria and I did the rounds at BookExpo where one of the highlights was meeting Olivia:

We also had a chance to talk to the lovely Megan McDonald, who writes the Judy Moody books, about the upcoming film release of Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer:
I snapped a paparazzi-light photo of Jordana Beatty, who plays Judy Moody in the movie, signing posters. My daughters were delighted with the copy I brought home for them.

Last stop was to visit Holly and the Ruckus Media booth:

More to come about everything else I saw and heard, so much incredible information and so many amazing people!


  1. Oooh! Looks like fun! Great bloggers to meet up with - and we're huge fans of Olivia over here. Jealous!!! xx

  2. So very jealous. Just the thought of being surrounded by aisles and aisles of books makes me swoon.

  3. Sounds like a great day. I gotta get my lazy butt out of my house and to a blog conference one of these days!

  4. We have so many great speakers and bloggers who attend the show Anna. I am glad to hear you were able to meet one of your favorites and had such a good time at the show.

    Thank you for the wrap up post.

  5. Such a fun time hanging with you. my favorite part was the crazy flash mob. Who got them shiny shoes!!!" I'm STILL singing it!!!


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