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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Scare in the Laundry Room

It was a Tuesday evening, much like any other Tuesday evening at our house. I was in the basement doing the laundry - my husband was upstairs relaxing, watching TV, and generally not doing much of anything.

I reached into the washing machine to select the garments capable of withstanding the harsh environment of the dryer, and to choose the delicate ones which would need to be lovingly hung up on the line to dry, when I saw something creepy. What could it be?

Could it be... a spider in the laundry? And not just any spider, but a giant, creepy, clearly poisonous spider? I peered more closely...

It really was a spider. Ick, double-ick, quadruple-trillion ick. And then, bravely, a final glance...

...Phew. A spider, yes. But a fake spider. I'm not sure which kid is to blame, but I'm just glad to have survived the laundry and to live to wash,dry and fold another night.

Have you ever had a scare in the laundry room?

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny, because who doesn't like funny?

You can check it out at Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids. And you totally should. Unless you don't like funny.


  1. Very funny! Do you think the spider was in there because someone forgot it was in their pocket? Or was someone playing a joke on mommy?

  2. to be honest, i have been analyzing this like it was the crime of the century. but no one's talking. they are however laughing which leads me to believe it was the latter...

  3. Hehe. I think I used to do things like that. But I know that when Peanut eventually starts to (because they all do!) I will be more than horrified ;)

  4. This is funny! Did they do this on purpose or did they forget it was in their pocket?

  5. LOL.

    I have had fake spiders, fake snakes and lots and lots of matchboxes in my washer.

    6 boys = inevitable :)

  6. Haha... so funny! Was this done intentionally as a joke on you? Because it was a good one!

  7. So funny, better you than me, even though I'm not afraid of spiders. But I imagine you were touching it and you didn't know what it was, felt the shape, something dead because of the wash cycle, ough. I'm just waiting until my little one is performing a stunt like that. Inevitable with kids. ;-)

  8. Project Little Mommy Muffet was a success! That's a good looking fake spider.

  9. I totally would have freaked out - fake or not! :)

    WW: Alligator Fun

  10. Hahaha! That's awesome! I used to pull pranks on my mom ALL THE TIME! Oh, and I'm sure I would've screamed. Great post!

  11. that had me going too!! OMG I'd DIE

  12. I shuddered a little. Okay, fine, A LOT. And then I laughed out loud. I once went nuts after taking clothes out of the basket to fold because I thought I saw a spider. I screamed and called Harv over. Turns out, it was just some balled up black string, but, hey, I'm not perfect, okay.

  13. Hilarious! Glad it didn't bite!

  14. I'd like to say when my boy gets older that I'll outlaw fake vermin and such, but to be honest it'll probably be be putting the faux rat under his dresser.

  15. Clearly, I do not live with little boys, because the only scary things that I find in my washer are the remains of princess stickers that my 3yo decided to decorate her dress with. The scary part is what the previously mentioned dress looks like after it's been washed with stickers on it. EEEEKS!

  16. I *much* prefer finding plastic critters to the alternative! Well, unless the alternative is finding nothing. Then I guess I prefer that. ;)

  17. OMG I had a scare in my greenhouse last year that was NOT a fake and I just about lost my shit over it. You'll have to check it out, I took a picture, in all of my horrified state, and I'll never get over it. and just in case I do, it's forever on my blog. Were I to reach into my laundry and find this thing, I am certain instant death would overcome me and if I reincarnated, instant death to the child that put that thing there!!!! Found you at finding the funny.

  18. RandomHandprints4/07/2012 11:36 PM

    would love to read it, please leave a link!

  19. RandomHandprints4/07/2012 11:37 PM


  20. RandomHandprints4/07/2012 11:38 PM

    yes, stickers in the wash are scary as well.

    and also? that spider was the work of a little girl. i'm just not sure which one of the two!

  21. RandomHandprints4/07/2012 11:38 PM

    photos when you do please!

  22. My laundry room scares all involve crayons and other things that should never have gotten near the dryer. I'm used to the rubber bugs.

    But put a life size rubber mouse in the shower before I get in there without my glasses? That'll have me screaming and running for someone who can see! :-)

  23. RandomHandprints4/09/2012 9:59 PM

    crayons in the dryer? i agree - scariest thing ever!

  24. I'm never doing laundry again. (thank you)

    You were one of the most clicked links at last week's #findingthefunny! We'll be featuring you tomorrow.

    And - of course - pinning this to the Finding the Funny pinterest board.

    Anna @mylifeandkids.com

  25. RandomHandprints4/10/2012 9:07 PM

    Thanks! Finding the Funny is becoming the highlight of my blog's week!

  26. That is really, really funny! I love how kids think they can pull one over on their parents. So cute!

    (Thanks for linking this up with us over at #findingthefunny last week!)

  27. RandomHandprints4/12/2012 10:46 PM

    thanks for hosting! i heart #findingthefunny!


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