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Monday, May 9, 2011

Eight Super Great Things I learned at Bloggy Boot Camp Boston

8. Use Lists in your blog posts. People love lists. This is perfect, because I love lists!

7. Boston is cold. And windy. Even in May. But the locals will be wearing shorts and telling you it's the nicest day of the year. The locals will also be drinking heavily if the Bruins do something everyone kept referring to as sweeping.

6. You should include good photos in your blog posts. Which made me realize my photos are bad.

5. You should not steal other people's good photos. Like The Modchik's good photos. That's even more horrible than just using your own bad photos.

4. Finagle-A-Bagel makes amazing chocolate chip bagels. I don't care if I lose every New York reader for writing this. I LOVE THEM. They are my absolute most favorite bagels in the world. (And I don't care who knows.)

3. I should exercise more, and probably a lot of other bloggers should, too. And it's not just me who thinks this. The Pioneer Woman does too, and I quote: Blogging is an insidiously sedentary activity, and if you blog daily you should take steps to markedly increase your daily movement. Ree, you are so right.

2. Blog friends are real friends. And in my case, my blog friends can drink and fight like real Massholes Bostonians.

And, the number one thing I learned at Bloggy Boot Camp Boston:

1. Tiffany is pretty. For reals.


  1. Love it! All so true. Except the bagel thing. FTW!!!!

    Honestly, sad that I didn't get to spend more time with you in Boston. Perhaps at the next New York meet-up?

  2. It is ALL true.

    Especially #1. ;)

    I had such a great time and am so glad you joined us.

    Although, I must admit, I am bummed to have missed out on the drinking and fighting Bostonians.....


  3. LOVE this post!! Had so much fun this weekend with you!!!

  4. Finagle a Bagel is not to be messed with; ignore doubting Ilana.

    Unfortunately, the part about our fair city being windy is oh-so-true. They really need to do something about that. Someone.

  5. Love this!
    I used to live there and looooved Finagle A Bagle.
    Had a great time at BBCBOS, sounds like you did, too..

  6. Great post! As a New Englander I can attest to the weather being *perfect* all weekend (despite the rain & chilly winds)

  7. I'm so glad you got to go! Don't you just love those little takeaways you get? And meeting everyone is the BEST!

  8. It was kismet. We were totally supposed to meet in Boston. Loved hanging out with you.

    And thanks for not being all judgey that I was a Masshole and Fight Starter.

  9. Completely agree with #4 -Finagle-a-bagel chocolate chip bagels are the best. Bonus - they freeze really well.

  10. That's a great post! I love lists too. How did I miss these chocolate chip bagels? I am sure they are great, but Bagel Boss has French Toast bagels. Which, may be just as good. Or not.

  11. It's too bad we had to ride the train to Boston to see each other again. ;)

  12. Great list! Sounds like you had a fun time and learned some key things. Very glad for you!

  13. OMG I love your list. It is perfect. It cracks me up that you think it was cold at BBC in Boston. Girl, it was balmy. And I know - I'm originally from Western NY, where everyone wears shorts when the barometer cracks 45 degrees.

  14. Funny! It was nice to meet you at the first table. I'll be back, good night. ~Terri G.

  15. I think I'm late here, but you know, that's totally my style. Love the list. I was there, pigtails and a trashy sequined purse. That was me :p

    Wicked sad I missed the brawl. Truly. Maybe another session will recreate the situation for some punches. Who knows. All it takes is a pretty host *cough*Tiffany*cough*


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