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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Kindy Photos and a Lesson in Spontaneous Generation {Not So Wordless Wednesday}

Yesterday I posted a photo my daughter Magpie took last year at our town's Memorial Day parade. 

Shortly after the parade, my phone went missing. A new phone was purchased, which coincidentally was recently stolen by my son Ziggy and his kindy photos were last week's Wordless Wednesday. The photos and the old phone were forgotten about as we moved on with our busy lives.

In phone miracles, last week the old phone re-appeared from beneath the seats of the car which we had already searched 1,000 times. Clearly, I now have no choice but to believe in spontaneous generation because any other option is impossible - I am a really good stuff-finder now that I'm a mom.

Regardless of how it got here, the old phone has some great photos taken by my six-year-old that we had thought were gone forever. I'm glad they reappeared.

And now kids, you've had your fun. It's time to leave mommy's phone alone.

PS: Smart people - is spontaneous generation the correct word to use to describe my phone's reappearance? I'm thinking not, but couldn't figure out the right term. Transformation didn't seem quite right either. Help?


  1. spontaneous generation, transformation, magic, karma, It's all the same to me...

    I think your little one has an eye for beauty!

    ps I refused to trade in my last 2 phones b/c of the photos of my children stored on them (I even had to buy an online battery from an obsure source to boot it up!) I have to store them properly!

  2. I'm glad you found it! Those are great pics. My friend just had her phone stolen, and she's so upset because of what's on it. In terms of "spontaneous generation" - hey - it sounds like it works pretty well as a descriptor to me!!

  3. It is not easy to be completely wordless!

  4. Those are gorgeous! They'd make a nice set of prints, I think. Fund-raiser?

    I would have said spontaneous re-generation, but I don't know that it's any more correct (or less) than without the re. Either way, we got to see the photos. And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who looks somewhere three times and doesn't see what it there. (Unless it really was spontaneous generation...)

  5. That stuff finder gene lies dormant, I believe, until triggered by motherhood. Cute pics! I love pics taken by a little kid- such a different perspective.

  6. Great pics. Your little one is a natural!

  7. We've just been going through this. One girl deleted an app on my phone, and another deleted a ton of photos.

    What is it with these kids and smartphones! :)

  8. Harlan has gotten a hold of my phone before and my keys! The problem is that sometimes she forgets where she leaves them! So frustrating! Glad you finally found it though!

  9. mommy magic. that's the official term for it.


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