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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Ways of Looking at a Memo Pad

This is my memo pad:

I like to write lists on it.

To do lists (that I write, but don't actually do).

Lists of people whose calls I need to return.

Lists of blog posts to write.

Lists of play dates to schedule.

Lists of books to read, shows to watch, bills to pay.

Today, I went to write one of my endless lists and found a charming drawing on the back of the sheet. And, as I turned to the next page, and the next, it became clear all the pages were embellished with my daughter Kay's signature style.

The drawings I discovered brightened up my day, and I know the ones I discover tomorrow will, too.

Thank you, Kay.

Linking-up to Finding the Funny at Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids.


  1. love!

    Cal once drew all over the back of a paper i had written for a community college course i was taking. i turned it in without knowing that there was "free art" on the back. when i got the paper back, the instructor made a little note that it had brightened her day because her only son had just left for college and she was feeling down in the dumps.

  2. LOL!!! That's a much better use for the pad than what you had planned for it.

    Twinsies, you and I, total twinsies!

  3. Fabulous! I find those everywhere as well, but they aren't as colorful and detailed...yet! (My kids are 4 and 2.) I can't wait for future works to show up around my house.

  4. Love that! Those are better than those oppressive ol' lists! Thanks for linking up with #findinthefunny! :)

  5. How precious is that??? You were one of the most clicked links at last week's finding the funny! Featuring you tomorrow...


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