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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Day Off From School, Messy House, Happy Kids

Ziggy enjoying the splendid mess.

Kay and Rody, all dressed-up for the winter day.


  1. Oh good! I'm not the only one LOL!

  2. LOL, yup I have totally lost the battle against the kids and their toys.


  3. The second picture is awesome! Love it! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Oh yeah! Awesome enthusiasm!
    Over from MMB

  5. If THAT is a messy house then you would just die seeing mine right now. LOL We let things go all week and deal with the clean up on weekends.

  6. Don't think of it as a mess, think of it as the sign of happy, engaged, creative play and kids! :) Funny, I was just thinking today about how much cleaning and washing up is involved in caring for children. Washing hands, washing dishes, washing bottoms, washing bodies, washing clothes... washing, washing, wiping, picking up, repeat!

  7. Isn't there a verse that says, "wherever there are no oxen, the stall is clean"? I love that verse, because we have children, so there will be messes. LOL!

  8. My wee girl (not in school yet) seems to do that everyday....thank you for sharing that we're in good company! The mess is totally worth happy kidlets though! :>

  9. you have produced some happy and good-looking children, my lady.

  10. Thank you everyone for stopping by on WW and making me feel ok about my uber-messy house!


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