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Monday, January 17, 2011

New feature on Random Handprints! Instructions for my husband!

I used to have a blog devoted entirely to instructions for my husband.  At first he didn't know about it.  Then he found out and was amused.  Then bemused. And finally, not so much bemused or amused.  So I stopped writing them.  But yesterday he was *really* irritating. So today, I imported all of my instructions to here.  AND I'm going back to writing new ones, too. 

Here's my first instruction for my beloved husband: Your iPad can do some other stuff besides being an alarm clock. It can do other stuff besides showing today's date. And it can do other stuff besides showing the weather.

You are reminding me of when on Seinfeld Jerry's dad would only use The Wizard to calculate tips. If you never follow any of my other instructions, please just follow this one: You don't want to be Morty.


  1. *gasp* say what? what else does the ipad do? i need this information to share with my mother who is also under the impression that the ipad only tells him and weather in 8 different cities!

  2. suddenly i'm thinking maybe your mom and my husband should meet...

  3. yes, but do you think we should put together some informational pamphlet about the ipad first, and they could maybe hold each other's hand and talk each other through the more difficult and mindblowing points?

  4. Elizabeth - I think I see a Monday Dare coming!

    Jill - it was a gift from his brother. And yes, that's what he uses it for. Claims its ok b/c it is like the #1 downloaded ap...


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