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Monday, June 30, 2014

Amazing bugs

Yesterday, I was on the phone.

My kids are pretty good about not interrupting me, because I'm not much of a phone talker, so if I'm using the phone chances are it's actually something important.

So I wasn't surprised to see my daughter Kay handing me a note.

However, I was a little more surprised when I read the contents of her note:

And I gotta tell you, amazing they were!


Note: The bugs weren't that amazing. Also, there was only one bug. And it wasn't actually a bug it was a moth. Still, I respect her ability to write a strong lede.


  1. Gotta love when they take such a smart approach!

  2. I just showed this to my 5yo and told him that "fast amazing bugs" are the exception to the rule regarding phone call interruptions... So, thanks for that.


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