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Saturday, May 10, 2014

This June, Get Schooled: The Inaugural Blog University Conference is Coming to Baltimore!

This June, Get Schooled!

The inaugural The Blog University Conference is coming to Baltimore, and I'm honored to be a part of this fantastic new conference that is happening from June 6 to 8 at Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore.

If you have a blog or have been thinking about starting one, join us for education, making connections, and more.
But hurry... tickets are only on sale for a few more days.

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Tickets to Blog U are all-inclusive (check out the full conference schedule here) and includes all meals, parties, social events and sessions and accommodations on the beautiful and historic Notre Dame of Maryland University campus.

I'll be speaking with Nicole Shaw about How to Make Money with Your Writing. You can read more about our session as well as all the course descriptions here.

So fast-forward your writing career, hone your skills, make friends, and network!

You an stay up -to date with all things The Blog University (BlogU) Conference on Facebook at /TheBlogUniversity and on Twitter at @theblogu. Oh, and I almost forgot, to register: click here.

And one more thing... this Sunday night, May 11, we're having a Twitter Party and the grand prize is a ticket to BlogU. So join us online from 9-10 EST for fun and for one lucky person... a ticket to BlogU!

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Hope to see you at BlogU this June!

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