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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Ten Modern Plagues from Midrash Manicures

Part of  the Passover seder is going over the ten plagues that were said to befall the pharaoh when he refused to free the Jewish people from slavery all those many years ago. Some of the plagues, like lice, are relatable, maybe even a little too relatable. Others, like boils, seem very antiquated.

I love that Midrash Manicures updated the ten plagues to reflect the modern scourges of our time, and especially of this particular year when both Snow Days and the Polar Vortex get, rightfully so, a shout-out:

 photo TenModernPlaguesfromMidrashManicures.png

To this list of modern plagues I would also add lines at the Post Office, bank and DMV and the carpool pick-up system at just about every school my kids have ever attended.

Also, on my list would have to be low signal on my phone or, even worse, no WiFi.

And last but not least, clearly Martha Stewart's Matzoh House is a modern plague of the worst kind, it doesn't even think it is one - but more on that tomorrow.

What would be on your list of modern plagues?

Not a sponsored post, just think these are soo cool as is all of the Passover Nail Art available at Midrash Manicures.

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