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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Make A Matzoh House! Make A Mess! Make Memories!

I love doing craft projects with my kids.

I love asking my mom to help us with some inane part of these craft projects, like finding 82 silver triangle shaped buttons, or in this case, a cardboard model on which to build a matzoh house which I was sure would end up looking something like this:

 photo matzoh-house-from-matzoh.jpg

Alas, our matzoh house, it did not.

However what our matzoh house lacked in suitability as a Passover Seder centerpiece, it made up for as fodder for CraftFail. Read all about how not to make a matzoh house at Martha's Matzoh Mansion.

And many thanks to Robyn who not only described my ramshackle matzoh home as totally, utterly and completely Martha's fault, but created this as well:

 photo RecentlyUpdated108.jpg

Happy Passover!

1 comment:

  1. It's missing the plagues. That would TOTALLY make it work. Although, perhaps it is meant to be the long lost plague?


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