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Friday, October 25, 2013

Easy Halloween Hairstyle - Just Add Spiders!

I saw this very cool idea on Pinterest to create a Halloween hairstyle with plastic spiders. I figured I would have the usual crap-tastic results I usually get when I try to do anything I see on Pinterest, and lo-and-behold, it was so easy! And it turned-out like it was supposed to and everything!

All you need to do to create this easy Halloween hairstyle is take a plastic spider ring and cut the ring in half at the bottom of the loop.

Then braid the hair as well as you can - clearly, there will be a range of results here - and add the spiders. All you do is put the spider on the hair, and let the ring wrap around the braid.

I totally thought the spiders would fall out after a few minutes, but they stay in totally fine. My daughter wore her spider braids to school and when she came home in the afternoon looking exactly the same.

Now this is my kind of Pinterest project - easy, fun and actually works!

I found this idea on Princess Piggies, and you should go and check out her version because it's way better than mine. First, she has brightly colored spiders which show-up a lot better in the hairstyle than the black spiders I used did. Also, she has super-cute Halloween ribbons at the ends of the braids. Pretty much she's a total pro, but that's probably why she has an entire website about girls hairstyles and I have a website about uh... random stuff.

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