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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cottonelle Clean Routine

Before kids, I gave very little thought to my own bathroom habits and clean routine, let alone anyone else's clean routine.
Now that I have three kids, I not only feel like bathroom topics are the height of scintillating conversation, but I have the good fortune of spending a large portion of my day hanging out in the bathroom, mostly with my in-the-midst-of-potting training toddler son, with the hopes some magic will happen on the toilet. And of course, I am very interested in helping him to have a clean routine that works, because to be honest, I am counting the days  until my kids are all self-sufficient when it comes to going to the bathroom.

This is all why when I heard that Cottonelle had a new clean routine system at Target, I was completely interested in learning more. Cottonelle has flushable cleaning clothes, that come in an attractive and easy-to-use dispenser, which is just right for kids to be able to use by themselves.

We made a family trip to Target to check it out.

Because who doesn't like a family trip to Target?

Right now, at Target stores only, when you buy two 18-roll packs of Cottonelle you receive a free wet cloth dispenser - a totally great deal.

Target being Target, we bought the Cottonelle products we went there to get, and about 35 other things we may or may not have needed as well.

 Once we got home, I set-up the new Cottonelle dispenser in the bathroom and put away the toilet paper in our bathroom vanity.

I will admit to being happier than I probably should have been by seeing the nice stockpile of toilet paper that hopefully means at least a few weeks before I hear the children's cry of "mom, we're out of toilet paper!

As I mentioned my son is just starting to be a regular in the bathroom, and the Cottonelle Care Routine is a big help in getting him to be independent. He can easily use the dispenser on his own.

Now that my kids are using the bathroom mostly on their own, the next step is to get them to leave me alone when I'm in the bathroom -  a problem I know other moms can relate to, there's a reason that I Just Want to Pee Alone is the title of a humor anthology about motherhood!

Do you have tips for helping kids to use the bathroom by themselves, or for getting kids to let moms use the bathroom by themselves?

Find Cottonelle online at Cottonelle.com@Cottonelle on Twitter, at /Cottonelle on Facebook, and via the hashtag #CottonelleRoutine. Learn more at Target about how you can receive a free Cottonelle dispenser with qualifying purchase.

For more photos from my shopping trip to Target and Cottonelle at home, check out my G+ Album.

1 comment:

  1. We have taken many family trips to Target, too. :)

    I'm glad the Cottonelle cleansing cloths are helping your son to be more independent. My best tip to keeping kids out of the bathroom when I'm in there is to lock the door. :)


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