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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week In Review: Other Stuff I Wrote and Reflections on Being (Semi) Screen-Free for Seven Days

Last week I went (semi) screen-free as part of Screen-Free Week, presented by Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, which is one of my very most favorite organizations.

And while I didn't spend the week completely screen-free, it was 100% Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram free, which alone is a pretty big accomplishment for someone like me who (I now realize) spends a lot of time on social media.

I did keep-up with my writing day job, which was part of why I didn't go completely screen-free.

For New Jersey Family, I wrote Seven Cinco de Mayo Activities for Kids. I found a bunch of unique ideas, like build-your-on Mayan pyramids, so if you're looking for some inspiration check it out

For Barista Kids I shared Five Great Books for Mother's Day -- and we're giving away copies of all of them, so go enter!

For Wonders of Westfield, my son and I went on assignment and covered 6 Great Playgrounds in Westfield.

As for this week, I think I'm going to take what I learned from my (semi) screen-free week and remember the world really does keep going just fine even if I'm not photographing what I ate for lunch on Instagram or sharing my latest ridiculous story about my kids on Facebook. That being said, I'm also pretty excited to go back to my old ways this week. Get ready for a photo retrospective of my garden!.

Have a great week everyone! Who has good plans?

1 comment:

  1. Ngl, but I am just here to see the quality time you are spending with your family. Like I have to shift to a foreign country to complete my studies, I started working in a cheap essay writing service to manage my personal funds. I have been here for 2 years, and I miss my family so much. I will soon get done with my studies. Then I am planning to pay a visit to my family.


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.