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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm at My Life and Kids today!

If you're reading this, you're probably here because you just read my guest post at My Life and Kids.

Hello and Welcome!

Anna is one of my most favorite bloggers and people, and I love reading her blog because she always finds the happy, fun, hilarious, laugh-worthy side of the things - even if  she finds it covered in mud, vomit and/or tears.

So if you haven't gone over to My Life and Kids yet, head there and read my tale of toddlers and bunnies in The Bunny-Bait Incident.

Then read every single one of Anna's most popular posts, all of which will have you laughing 'til you cry. Oh, and then read her post from yesterday, Feeling Like an Amateur, which will not only have you laughing some more, it will (win-win!) have you feeling much better about your own day.

And if you're new here at Random Handprints, here are a few posts that might be worth a click:

The Top Ten Reasons We ALL Need a Mom - I wrote this after an afternoon of waiting on my kids when I realized all of my helpful mom-ing was being totally wasted on the young. Us moms need someone to do our laundry and cook our dinner, too!

A Cool Project for Toddlers on a Hot Day - This is a really easy project with ice that little kids love - perfect for summer!

Instructions for My Husband - Perhaps my favorite series on my blog, I leave instructions for my husband on everything from fashion to food. And I love guest posts, so if you would like to share a message for your better half just email me at anna (at) randomhandprints (dot) com. I also have an Instructions for my Husband Facebook page, so come say hi, it's lots of fun.

I also host Finding the Funny with Anna and lots of other funny folks on the first Wednesday of every month, so I hope to see you back here for the next one, if not before!

Thanks for coming by and thank you Anna so, so much for having me over to your place!

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