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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week in Review: An Interview, A New Gig and What I'll (Not) Be Doing This Week

Last week was great. The Alternative Press of Westfield included our book signing for I Just Want to Pee Alone in their coverage of Girls' Night Out in Westfield, and....

The Alternative Press of Maplewood interviewed me for Local Mom-Blogger Joins Others to Climb the Best-Seller List. And I don't mind admitting not only that it was my first-ever interview, but also that I could totally get used to being "local-famous" as my friend Nicole so aptly puts it.

I also wrote Summertime in Westfield: Where to Go Swimming, which is my very first piece for The Mavins Group, an incredible full-service real estate and move management company based in New Jersey and serving the metropolitan New York City area.

If you live in or near Westfield, I highly recommend their Facebook page, Wonders of Westfield. It' an amazing resource for local information and is updated with community events and happenings daily.

And last, I'm taking the week off (mostly) from the screen and participating in Screen-Free Week.

I'm probably (and by probably I mean definitely) not going to be 100% offline, but I'm going to aim for being online a lot less than I usually am For those of you who join in on Finding the Funny, May's edition will be live here on Wednesday, but except for that I'll take the week off from the blog as well.

I'll be writing about my screen-free experiences for Barista Kids next week. Until then, enjoy your screen-filled or screen-free week!

See you all when I'm back among the online living next Sunday night!

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