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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's finding the funny time!

Welcome to February's Finding the Funny!
Meet the Hosts:
Kelley @ Kelley's Break Room  
Kerry @ HouseTalkN    
 Keesha @ Mom's New Stage
Toulouse @ Toulouse and Tonic
... and me (of course!) 
Did you get your free eBook yet?
b Positive b Inspired b Funny Free eBook @My Life and KidsWe partnered up with the b Positive Project to bring you an inspiring - and funny - free eBook. Get your free copy here. I managed to work in the phrase jazz hands, which of course is a way to be positive right there, because it's pretty much impossible to be sad or angry while making jazz hands.  The Rules: Link up an old or new funny post. Link up as many times as you want (we're serious). The party is open until Saturday 2/9 at midnight. The earlier you link up, the more clicks you'll get. Click around and meet the other funny bloggers that are linking up. Follow the Finding the Funny Pinterest board. We'll all be pinning our favorites throughout the month. We don't ask you to link back to us or include a button on your blog, but we do ask you to send out a tweet or post about the party on your Facebook page. Be sure to use #findingthefunny.
Most Clicked Links from Last Month:
#1 - As (never) Seen on Pinterest Hollow Tree Ventures
#2 - Kids Are the Best. And Worst. Funny is Family
#3 - I'm Jealous of My Daughter The Mom of the Year
#4 - 50 Things to Teach My Daughter Cloudy, With a Chance of Wine
#5 - Vibrators and Debit Cards My Half Assed Life

Get linking and get reading, and as always thank you for joining the Finding the Funny fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellow NYC girl relocated to Jersey! I'm here from the hop. Great to "meet" you!


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.