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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Instructions for My Husband: I know the difference between inequity and iniquity.

Do you really think I don't know the difference between the word inequity and the word iniquity?


I was being funny. Hilarious, even. One might even say uproarious.

And it is funny. Because when you told me that you were going to go play poker in Atlantic City with your friends instead of coming home - which in itself is comical - I said, "Oh, the iniquity."

And you said, "Uh, I think you mean inequity."

Which, had I said that, would not be nearly as clever.

If there's one thing I'm sure of, you going to play poker instead of coming home to help with the kids, is funny. Hilarious, even. One might even say uproarious. Not to mention iniquitous. And full of inequity.

So yeah, I know the difference between inequity and iniquity - even if your little last-minute trip to Atlantic City with the boys managed to combine the two into one so nicely.

This is the twenty-eighth instruction in my ongoing series of Instructions for My Husband.

Have an instruction for your other half? Email me at anna@randomhandprints.com and be a guest instructor.

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1 comment:

  1. I do believe that iniquity was the right word!

    When do you get to go on a little excursion (wickedly naughty or not)? You know to make things equal. :)


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