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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's the 100th day of school!

Do your kids celebrate the 100th day of school?

Mine do, and for the first few years I went insane (or more accurately pin-sane) trying to figure out the most clever project ever for my kid to commemorate the 100th day of school in a totally unique and memorable way.

Now, I just let them do what they want. For my daughter Kay this meant decorating 100 in 10 rows of 10.


Happy 100th day, Kay!

For plenty - possibly even too many - 100th day ideas, visit my 100th Day board on Pinterest.


  1. I love that. So easy, and you can reuse it! ;)

    My kindy daughter has her 100th day either tomorrow or Monday (eep! I better check her calendar!) and the kids are supposed to dress up like they are 100 years old. Oy. Sending my girl off to school looking like a Senior Citizen. Awesome.

  2. Classic Kay! Complete with peace signs. And is that HammerPlayer back from the dead, spamming your comments?

  3. That is a fun idea. I've never heard of celebrating the 100th day of school, but I like it!

  4. She did a GREAT job! :) Love it! I am definitely filing that idea away! ;) Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest.


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