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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Basketball Player In the House

When my husband and I got our first apartment together, which had typical New York City railroad style layout, one of my first memories is of us playing hockey. He unpacked his hockey stick and puck, and then surprisingly his other hockey stick, for a totally awesome indoor hockey game - the doorways on either side of the living room/dining room/kitchen served as the perfect goal posts.

I remember him saying, "when we have kids, I'm totally not going to be the kinda dad who doesn't let them play ball in the house."

And he has kept good on that promise, as evidenced by the photos my daughter Kay took of big sister Magpie playing basketball in our not-so-big kitchen just this past weekend.


Unfortunately for me, I did not have a similar wish to be the kinda mom who let's the kids play ball in the house.

Oh well.

Also, Big Duckie has shown himself to be a much better player than you might expect at first glance.

Do you let the kids play ball in the house?


  1. I used to let mine ride their trikes in the house. I didn't have anything of major value and they're only kids once.

  2. Love the photos although that duck would drive me quackers :-)

    Have a fantabulicious week and thanks for stopping by

  3. My kid rides his skateboard around the house.


  4. Mine is only 7 weeks old so I'm not quite to the playing-ball-in-the-house phase but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the mom who doesn't care, as long as he doesn't knock my glass of alcohol over

  5. I had forgotten that this is a perennial parental dilemma. I think I am okay with ball in the house. But only the totally innocuous mini beach ball.

  6. In the basement yes, upstairs not so much.

  7. I'm still trying to teach him that he's only allowed to throw balls -he's 2. But yes in the playroom and the living room. NOT in the kitchen or dining room.

  8. My son is 21 months and he can't get enough of basketball... and neither can my husband so I'm like you and don't have much say in the matter!


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