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Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Three Best Catalog Reviews of 2012!

Resolution for 2013 -
Less catalogs, more Us Weekly!
It's the time of year when it seems just about every site is offering up their picks for the Best of 2012. So, here's mine: the three best catalog reviews of 2012!

The Pottery Barn catalog fantasy is compared to reality in the Mommyologist's The Pottery Barn Catalog is a Bigger Buzz Kill Than Size Zero Celebrities.

The Pottery Barn Kids catalog gets real at A Very PBK Christmas from The Fordeville Diaries.

The Williams-Sonoma catalogue is delightfully dissected in The Hater's Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog on DeadSpin.com.

So there you have it, my picks for the three best catalog reviews of 2012!

Oh, and one more. Not a catalog review, but if you haven't seen the product reviews for The Hutzler 571 (it's a banana slicer), they're really pretty awesome.

Not only can The Hutzler 571 slice bananas, it can even be a Christmas tree ornament!

Image from Amazon.com
What's more festive than that?

Just in case you're wondering, no I was definitely not compensated for anything mentioned in this post.

What's your Best of 2012?


  1. This totally makes me laugh!

  2. Hello friend!!
    It is a very good info. Thanks for sharing your post with us.Keep writing continue with more updates.
    Yüz Germe

  3. I'm snorting. This just makes me want to get my next PBK catalog STAT so I can laugh some more :)

  4. Just reading this again through #findingthefunny AND just got my copy of US Weekly. Thanks for the reminder that it needs my attention STAT! :)


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