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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Five Fun Ways to Celebrate New Year's Eve with Kids

Another New Year's Eve is almost here, and I'm hoping to celebrate with my kids in a way that works out better than last year's epic fail - spoiler alert: if you give sugary mocktails and noisemakers to eight toddlers, no amount of champagne will make your night turn out OK.

This year instead of relying on my own craft fail-esque ideas, I've consulted the experts on Pinterest.

Here are five ideas for fun ways to celebrate New Year's Eve with kids:
Pinterest via Anna Sandler via Sara Coys
  • Take fabulous photos. Kids can wear their favorite formal wear, or you can provide fun dress-up options like hats, boas, sunglasses or these fantastic mustache props for photo ops.
Via Pinterest

  • Let them stay up until midnight. Yeah, real midnight. Not some fake midnight at noon or some "8pm is the new midnight" bullshit. Just let the kids stay up till midnight. Honestly, how many New Year's Eves will there be when the kids will be content to watch TV and hang out with their parents? Enjoy these few years when a late bedtime is enough for it to be the Best. New. Year's. Ever.
For lots more ideas, visit New Year's Fun for Kids on Pinterest. And if you have ideas for amusing the children on New Year's Eve, please share them below!

Happy New Year!


  1. Love these ideas! We do let the kids stay up til real-midnight (it's the new midnight!) and we toast champagne but squirt the kids in the mouth with whipped cream - they LOVE it!

  2. @Jill - aw thanks! can't wait to see you in '13!

    @Doctor G - love the whipped cream idea, adding that to our festivities this year for sure!

  3. @Jill - aw thanks! can't wait to see you in '13!

    @Doctor G - love the whipped cream idea, adding that to our festivities this year for sure!

  4. This article is three years old and I'm still going to try these tips! They all seem doable and fun! Looks like you've come up with a timeless solution!


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