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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Still no power. Still tweeting from @njgas.

Nothing new here with us. Still waiting anxiously for the message that our power is restored and we can go home.

Still tweeting around the clock from @njgas, though hopefully the worst of the gas shortages are over now in New Jersey.

Darren Rovell of ABC News wrote a great feature A Guide to Gas in New Jersey about @NJGas, and I was interviewed on ABC News Radio, but I have no idea if it aired or how I would ever find out that it did.

I also was included in this article on The Huffington Post: Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Presents Difficulties for Voters in New York, New Jersey.

And last, the Huff Po also covered the @NJGas story here: Need Gas? Twitter to the Rescue.

All this might sound like we're doing much of anything, but the truth is we aren't. Just keeping the kids feed and mildly entertained is extra-challenging without the comforts of home.

But it sure does make me appreciate going back to our everyday life.

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Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.