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Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 7 - Six Unique Ways to Bag Your Treats

Halloween is a mere three-and-a-half weeks away, and having gotten their costumes figured out my children have moved on to dissecting other minutiae of the holiday.

Apparently, next up on their list of Important Halloween Matters to be Decided Immeditately is what they will use to carry around their Halloween haul.

Here are five unique ways to bag your treats:

- Candy Corn Treat Bag (from OneStepAhead.com, $12.95)

- DIY Duct Tape Jack O'Lantern Bag (handmade, so priceless)

- Glow in Dark Treat Bag (from PersonalCreations.com, $14.99)

- Shark Treat Bag (from PotteryBarnKids.com, $19.50)

- Spiderman Treat Bucket (from Chasing-Fireflies.com, $10.00)

- Witch Feet Tote Bag (from Etsy.com, $21.50)

Momtrends.com has a collection of great choices too at Our Favorite Halloween Treat Bags.

Personally, I think they should all go old-school and just grab a pillow case.

1 comment:

  1. This was helpful--thanks! The past few years I've done themed bags to go with their costumes (I am really crazy about Halloween, I know), but it occurred to me this year that I don't have treat bags for them and I need to get on that! :)


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