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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 3 - Easy Halloween Recipe for Witch Hat Cookies

Halloween Recipe: How to Make Easy Witch Hat Cookies

I spend a lot of time trying to avoid processed foods, except of course for when I don't.

Sometimes the cute factor + the easy factor makes me just want to make something with my kids that has no nutritional value.

Like these Halloween Witch Hat Cookies.

I'm sure I saw them on Pinterest last year, but now I can't find the legit source, as this year the cookies are pinned around with spammy sources.

Here's the recipe for:

Easy Halloween Witch Hat Cookies:

- 1 Box Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies
- I Bag Hershey's Kisses
- 1 Tube Icing (we used orange)
- Sprinkles (optional)

1. Attach one Hershey kiss to the top of one fudge stripe cookie (stripes facing down) with the icing.
2. Put your now complete witch hat on a cookie sheet or other flat surface to dry.

3. Decorate with icing to your Halloween heart's delight. Optional: add sprinkles.

My kids had tons of fun making these, and I think they would be cute for a Halloween party - it's easy enough to make a lot of them especially if you have eager helpers who want to decorate, as evidenced here:

What are your favorite Halloween recipes? Please share in the comments below!

And for a bit of Halloween humor, read Halloween, you have betrayed us. Because if sticking a celery stick in an orange and calling it a Halloween "treat" isn't a betrayal I don't know what it.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! It might be cute to use the hugs (striped kisses) with the fudge stripes facing up. You know, for the fashionista witches. :)


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