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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ziggy Turns Three!

My little guy turned three this week.

His sisters made him really awesome birthday cards filled with all his nicknames (Boodle-pants is a favorite, and no, I don't know where it came from or how it started), the radio station played his favorite song Firework complete with birthday dedication, we rode every kiddie ride at the amusement park, and he ate his weight in ice cream.

All in all, a pretty perfect three-year-old day.

The birthday cards with the nicknames reminded me of this cool project on Pinterest where you write all your kid's favorite things down on a photo on their birthday (or the first day of school or other occasion).

So I made one with Ziggy's favorite things as of three years old.

Can't wait to see what makes the list when he is four.

Happy Birthday, Boodle-pants.

Unlike a lot of Pinterest projects, this one only took about five minutes. I used Picasa, but it could be made using PicMonkey or any other photo editing program.


  1. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell8/17/2012 10:42 AM

    That's fun that you've recorded his favorites at this age! Happy Birthday, Ziggy!

  2. Happy Birthday! What a cute idea!

  3. Happy birthday to your Boodle Pants! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up!

  4. RandomHandprints8/21/2012 7:53 PM


  5. RandomHandprints8/21/2012 7:53 PM

    Thanks, Kristi!

  6. RandomHandprints8/21/2012 7:54 PM

    Thanks, I can't believe he's three!


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