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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just Say No to the PTA - An Open Letter to Myself

Dear Self,
The kids go back to school next week, and let's face it, that means you do, too.

But it doesn't have to mean that. It could mean freedom and relaxation this year instead of endless PTA projects and class mom responsibilities that never seem to end.

Self - let's do things differently this year.
Let's not do what you do every year. Self, do you remember last year? You attended that first day of school meeting for all of the parents, and when the representatives from the PTA stood-up in front of the crowd and explained how imperative parent involvement was... you said yes to everything. And when you over-commit, I over-commit.

And this year I'm not doing it.
I'm reminding you what you promised you would remember to do this year:
Just Say No to the PTA.
We can't take another year of school-wide volunteer coordinating, party planning, fundraising over-drive and over-kill.
I will not sit by while you willingly sign-up for another year of agonizing over how to get the remaining three families to contribute their class dues.

Or watch you worry about how to most effectively balance the dietary needs of the lactose-intolerant classmates with those suffering from acute tree nut allergies. And don't forget the needs of the mom who called you before each-and-every party to remind you which foods or child particularly liked, or even more importantly, disliked.
I will not suffer through another poorly planned classed party that resulted in the misstep of giving twenty-four 3-year-olds noise makers as part of a pretend New Year's Eve party celebration. Nor will I endure the phone calls from other parents who wanted to know what the hell we (you, really) were thinking serving preschoolers mocktails at 10am.
And most of all, I will not be here to whisper encouragingly 'You can do it!" as you wonder if you can muster the strength to pick up the phone and beg yet another parent to chaperone the class camping trip.
This year, I'll be relaxing on the couch watching Dexter and Modern Family. I'll be taking leisurely baths while reading the latest issue of Us Weekly The New Yorker.
This year, I hope you'll join me - and not the PTA.

I'm linking-up this post to Yeah Write and to Finding the Funny (which is co-hosted by Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids, two of my favorite communities online. Join them - and not the PTA.


  1. Yes, do that!! I should forward this on to my coworker. Her kids are older, but apparently you can stretch yourself too thin no matter what stage they are at :) Good luck!

  2. I was a room mom for 20-plus years. I should have bought hand saniitzer by the truck load.

  3. jamie@southmainmuse8/28/2012 3:31 PM

    Note to self, "Just say no." It gets easier the more you do it. Take it from me.

  4. What a pain. DON'T DO IT!

  5. JD @ Honest Mom8/28/2012 8:45 PM

    HA! Our PTA is (ironically) called SOS. I have to think some room parent came up with that after ODing on volunteering.

    I have - gulp - said yes to the SOS. For two things already. I think I need an intervention.

  6. I keep getting asked to be on PTA, but you note-to-self reminds me to just walk on by every time they ask. Whew!

  7. I have four kids and I work from home. I actually had four kids and decided to work from home SO THAT I could reference the above as an excuse when asked to join the PTA. ;)

  8. PTA activities can be so overwhelming huh?! :)

  9. Love this! I was room mom to 2 classes last year and told myself not this year . Someone else can step up - I went back and forth running both parties with a 2 yr old on my hip and the other parents looked aghast when I would ask them to help. Not. Doing. It!

  10. Stacie @ Snaps and Bits8/29/2012 2:03 PM

    This is how I feel too. I really appreciate all the parents who thrive off of the PTA but I don't. I do volunteer in the class and for field trips though. To be directly involved with my son is fun!

  11. Love this! Funny and real. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Mine is not old enough for school, but there's another organization I keep saying yes to. It's gotten so bad I'll be relieved when we move next summer. Then I'll have to say no!

  13. I am tucking this away for when my oldest heads to kindergarten next year. You were one of the most-clicked links at last week's #findingthefunny. We're featuring you on Wednesday, and I pinned this. Thanks for linking up!

  14. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:20 PM

    Thanks, Anna. And Kindergarten year is the worst - the PTA preys on the new moms at school. Preys, I tell you!

  15. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:21 PM

    Someone told me when my kids started to school that if you got asked to do something to say you couldn't because you were about to move, and then "oops, our plans changed!" I like you taking it a step further and actually moving. Good luck with no at your new home.

  16. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:21 PM

    Thanks for stopping by!

  17. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:22 PM

    I agree, the actual time with the kids is great. The planning and phoning... not so much.

  18. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:22 PM

    Ack, TWO classes of room mom-ing? I can't even imagine. You may need a PTA intervention. Keep your resolve - just say no!

  19. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:23 PM

    Yes, but not this year :)

  20. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:23 PM

    I love this response in so many ways. So many.

  21. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:23 PM

    Just here to help :)

  22. RandomHandprints9/04/2012 11:24 PM

    OMG. I love SOS. At least someone has a sense of humor. Keep us posted on how your tour of duty with the SOS goes.

  23. Shoot. You *could sign up to be PTA president like I did a couple of years ago. That cured me of any desire to EVER volunteer again :) Ha!

  24. I have no problem saying no. I also have no school friends.

    Gotta pick your battles, make your choices.



  25. This made me feel better about having just guiltily declined to be a room mom. Thank you!

  26. So funny! So did you sign up for any PTA stuff yet? I took on the Talent Show and the Yearbook at my kids' school. #gluttonforpunishment

  27. RandomHandprints9/09/2012 8:50 PM

    What?! A second year with the Talent Show?! You're good. I am doing nothing this year - totally over-committed last year and still totally exhausted from it all!!

  28. RandomHandprints9/09/2012 8:50 PM

    My work here is clearly done!

  29. RandomHandprints9/09/2012 8:51 PM

    I love your attitude. Also? I wish we could be school friends together.

  30. The sad part is that if everyone pitched in a few hours every year for their child's school there would't have to be so many who feel the need to say no from being overwhelmed and exhausted from of being asked too much from them. I've been the Teacher on the other end who knows how much harder her job is when no one cares at home and how much a students miss out on when parents aren't involved. Gotta be a better way to balance it all.


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