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Monday, July 9, 2012

Oops! I Forgot to Post an Old Photo Friday!

It's true, Friday came and went and I forgot it was old photo day on my blog.

In my defense, I was on vacation. And everyone knows on any good vacation you forget what day it is.

So here on a back-to-reality Monday, a retroactive Old Photo Friday of our family beach vacation in 1970-something:

And our family beach vacation last week. More or less the same location and same people, though our generational position has shifted:

And yes, that is my six-year-old so engrossed in reading her first issue ever of Us Weekly that she can't be bothered to put it down for family photos.


  1. That's neat that you still go to the same spot!

  2. Kay: "I know what magazine it is. U. S. Weekly."


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