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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

At the Playground: Ocean View, Delaware

Every summer we vacation in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

In addition to all the other great things about the place, there is a really fantastic - and shady - playground in Ocean View, the next town over.

This year my two older kids spent their mornings at tennis camp, which meant Ziggy got to spend his mornings at the playground.

Which of course, meant I got to spend my mornings at the playground, too.

But I'm not complaining, because I know all too soon he'll be at tennis camp, too.

All photos taken by my brother at John West Park, Ocean View, Delaware.


  1. OH how fun!!!! I'm glad Ziggy had the chance!

  2. Anna ~ RandomHandprints.com7/24/2012 10:39 PM

    it was fun, and hot. did i mention hot :)

  3. It has been way too hot here for playgrounds. I am dying for fall!

  4. I would love it. Nice quiet time to just enjoy him on his own. I wish I had more time on a 1 to 1 basis.

  5. Anna ~ RandomHandprints.com7/25/2012 8:24 AM

    it's true. lower the temperature a few degrees and it would've been absolutely perfect.

  6. Anna ~ RandomHandprints.com7/25/2012 8:24 AM

    It's hot here too but I still love summer to last :)

  7. Quality time between mother and child is a gift. Enjoy! Some moms don't get to do that. Just as grandmoms so whenever I get the kids I make sure I make each minute count. Thanks for sharing your cute photos.

  8. Great pics! He's a cutie pie! I really enjoy spending one-on-one time with just one kid or the other. Don't get to do it too often though. They're 20 months apart and do all of the same activities...

  9. Anna ~ RandomHandprints.com7/26/2012 2:04 PM

    Yep, my older girls are also around 20 months apart and the same thing.. but their little brother gets a bit of only child treatment!

  10. Anna ~ RandomHandprints.com7/26/2012 2:05 PM

    It's so true, it really is a gift. Thank you for stoping by!


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