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Monday, June 11, 2012

Shopping at Duane Reade for Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy. Oh Yeah, and Meeting The Bloggess, Too.

Last week, I got to do some pretty great things.
Tuesday I hit up Book Expo America, or as Stephen Colbert described it, "The Lollapalooza of quietly reading to yourself."

There's something incredibly special about being in a Convention Center filled with books and the people who love them, as well as tons of authors reading from and signing books.

After the Book Expo, I headed to Duane Reade to try a brand-new hair product from Unilever, Clear Scalp and Hair Therapy, as part of the Duane Reade's VIP Blogger program .

I was already sorta dying to try Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy because I've been seeing the TV ads with Heidi Klum, and um, well, who wouldn't want to look like that?
Photo source: Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Facebook page
Duane Reade had a huge display of Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy right inside the front of the store, so I found it really easily.

I spent a long time debating (in my head, not out loud) which of the formulas was the right one for me.  In the end I opted for Total Care.

I also got a bag of deLISH organic lollipops for my son, the self-appointed Lollipop King.

Outside, I admired the flowers. Leave it to Duane Reade - and Manhattan - to make the front of  a midtown drug store this gorgeous.

Back home, I gave a very happy Lollipop King the bag of lollipops:

The next day I showered and tried my new Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy products, with great success - and they smell amazing, too.

I am totally sold on the idea that the secret to hair care is by cultivating a healthy scalp.

And I was very happy to be having a good hair day because I went to hear the one and only Jenny Lawson - better known as The Bloggess - give a reading and book signing for her new release, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, right here in New Jersey.

And here my clear scalp and I are meeting her:

I was so happy with my good hair day, I even snapped another photo of me reading my new book when I got home:

For more photos of my shop, and The Bloggess, check out my Google+ Album.

Get social with Duane Reade! Like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter @DuaneReade as well as at the hashtags #DReade and #DreadeVIP.

Get social with Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy! Like them on Facebook, (there's even a page fore Clear Hair Men) and visit their YouTube channel.

I am a member of the Collective Bias(TM) Social Fabric Community(R). This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias #SocialFabric

I am also part of the Duane Reade VIP blogger team (follow along on Twitter at #DreadeVIP).


  1. Every time you talk about Duane Reade, I get so jealous! Also, how cool is it that you saw her at the book signing?!

  2. So jealous that you met her and so jealous of your hair--looks amazing!


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