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Friday, June 15, 2012

My Toddler Learned to Text! {Old Photo Friday: Ziggy Grows Up}

This photo of Ziggy is only a year old, which is technically breaking the rules of Old Photo Friday.

And yet, it's not. Mostly because there are no rules about Old Photo Friday.

But also because this last 12 months in the life of Ziggy has been so much more than a year. There is more than a year of difference between an almost-two-year-old and an almost-three-year-old.

For example, let's start with this morning, when Ziggy showed incredible maturity.

He and I were trying to talk, and he kept being distracted by his mobile phone (which looks exactly like a mini calculator from Staples), because his six-year-old sister Kay was calling him over and over again.

He tried screaming into the phone, “Stop calling!”but she just kept calling anyway.

So you know what he did? He said, “hold on, mom. I’m gonna turn off my phone. So Kay can’t distract us.”

See, that’s the maturity of a three year old. He knows when to just turn off the phone ringer, and be present in the now with his mom.

A two-year-old would have never found his way out of that situation with such ease.

How else do I know he’s growing up? Well, sometimes at bedtime I’ll be in the middle of reading a book and notice he’s distractedly pushing some buttons (admittedly on an old TV remote, but that's beside the point).

"What’s up, kid?" I’ll ask.

Ziggy will reply, "Just a minute, I'm sending a text.”

I long for the simpler two-year-old days when there was no text that couldn’t wait until we had finished reading Corduroy for the third, or possibly fourth, time.

Now, at almost three, this kid has some urgent texts that can't wait.

And those are the kinds of changes that happen in kids just like that.

It's Friday, so I'm posting about my old photos. I'd love to have you join me. Leave a link to a post about one of your old photos - I'd love to visit!

And if you'd be more likely to share if I had a linky, leave a comment and let me know that and voila! next Friday there will be an Old Photo Friday linky.

Linking-up to Finding the Funny, which you should go visit at Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids because that's where you'll find a lot of hilarity.


  1. Are you seriously telling me that he knows how to text at his age? I can't even get past that part!

  2. he is so part of the new generation!

  3. LOL!!! My daughter "texts" except it come out looking like this xijdjofafjhsl http://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com

  4. Love it! You were one of the most-clicked links at last week's #findingthefunny. We're featuring you tomorrow, and pinning this!

    Thanks for linking up!

  5. RandomHandprints6/26/2012 2:53 PM

    Thanks, Anna! What could be funnier than texting toddlers?

  6. So funny! What was the urgent text he had to send? My son hasn't yet learned this and I'm dying to know what is pressing on those toddler minds...;)

  7. RandomHandprints6/28/2012 12:37 AM

    I think it had to do with what he wanted for breakfast - not sure who besides me he thought needed that super-important information!

  8. Kelleysbreakroom7/04/2012 10:20 AM

    Ohmygosh, that is hilarious. That made me laugh out loud! He was acting like he was sending a text. Awwww... That is so stinkin' cute.

    (Thanks for linking this up to #findingthefunny a couple of weeks ago! Sorry I am such a loser and just now reading it.)


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