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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Handprint Craft for Mother's Day

My daughter Kay was nice enough to let me trace her hands to make this easy Mother's Day craft.

To make it, all you have to do is fold a sheet of paper in half, and trace one hand with the thumb and second finger handing over the side of the crease a little:

Then, when you cut out the hand, you get two hands and a bonus heart between them.

Kay added the little hearts and the precious words.

And the truly best part, Kay let me have her creation early so I could use it for my post on New Jersey Family about how to make this very craft.

And if that isn't the true spirit of Mother's Day, I don't know what is.

Read the full instructions at Handprints and Hearts Craft for Mother's Day.


  1. Sarah at The Stroller Ballet5/09/2012 1:54 PM

    I love this!!! I'm going to do it for my mother and MIL tonight with Peanut.

  2. No such thing as a mommy who wouldn't like that!

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