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Friday, April 20, 2012

Old Photo Friday: Ziggy and the Plaid Pajamas

My mom buys the kids lots of great clothes - but often a little on the big size. I understand why - kids grow, and usually, they grow quickly.

And of course, the buying-large strategy means the clothes will last for awhile.

Like in the case of Ziggy and the plaid pajamas which my mom bought him when he was a baby. For reasons she outlined in this email I received from her:

"Bought Ziggy some plaid PJ's since U like 2 dress him in old men clothes and he's in bed a lot."

Here he is wearing his "old man pajamas" as a wee baby:

And here he is still happily wearing his "old man pajamas" just last month:

What about you? When it comes to kids clothes, are you a "buy a size bigger" shopper, or more of a "buy the stuff I like in multiple sizes" kind of shopper?

This is my usual installment of Old Photo Friday, even though (yes, I know) the photos aren't that old.

Linking-up to the always funny, Finding the Funny at My Life and Kids and Kelley's Breakroom.


  1. I completely burst out laughing with this!

  2. My MIL did that with my kids for years.

  3. Hey, the kid looks good in plaid!

  4. RandomHandprints4/24/2012 8:55 PM

    thanks, it will serve him well if he decided to be old school punk rock one day!

  5. RandomHandprints4/24/2012 8:55 PM

    I think it's generational.

  6. RandomHandprints4/24/2012 8:56 PM

    It's kinda riddiculous, no?

  7. Being a fan of old man pajamas, being an old man myself, and all things flannel and plaid, having no sense of style I applaud you for training your son in the proper male dress code. It will save him years of frustration and make shopping so much easier.

  8. RandomHandprints4/27/2012 1:33 PM

    thank you, and i will be sure to show him this when he is all grown-up!

  9. Kelleysbreakroom4/28/2012 10:14 AM

    That makes me laugh! I have a picture of myself in a red gown when I was a baby and later as a toddler. A big toddler. Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny!

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