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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Old Photo Friday: One Kid as a Bunny and One Kid with Bunnies

Once upon a time, not so long ago in Old Photo Friday terms, it seemed the kids got their faces painted every.single.weekend. Now? Not so much. (Not that I'm complaining.)

So as I was compiling a nice little gallery of their adorable painted faces, I was happy to come across a bunny face perfect for some Easter posting, Jewish kid style.

Kay, as bunny rabbit, April 2009
And once upon a time, it seemed like every urban weekend was spent visiting a makeshift petting zoo of some kind. And now? Not so much. Again, I'm not complaining. Just noticing.

Magpie, with bunny rabbits on the Upper West Side, 2006
I still remember how much you loved petting those rabbits.

You can see more Old Photo Friday posts here, and more Easter posts here. Including one about when my daughters plotted to dress-up their baby brother as - you guessed it - a bunny.

And yes, I realize I'm posting this on Saturday. In my defense, yesterday totally did not feel like a Friday.

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny with Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids because, well... that's what I do. You should too!


  1. This post is so funny. LOL. And these photos? They are killing me with cuteness. Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend.

  2. RandomHandprints4/10/2012 8:19 PM

    Thanks! Hope you did too!

  3. So glad you linked up! You are right about face painting and petting zoos. I don't notice them as much anymore either. I'm getting kind of sad. Good thing your cheerful photos make me smile! Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. RandomHandprints4/17/2012 9:09 PM

    No, no sad! Not from Finding the Funny!


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