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Monday, March 19, 2012

Glad I Saw it: The Crocheted Daffodil

Happy Spring!

I am fortunate enough to live in a town that often gets to enjoy the efforts of the local yarnstorming enthusiasts.

The Rebel Yarns will be yarnstorming a park in town on June 3, and I'll be looking forward to seeing their creations and sharing those photos. In the meantime, you can see some more awesome examples on my Yarnbombing Pinterest Board.

{As always, my Glad I Saw It inspired by the original Glad I Saw It.}


  1. That's a really nice one! And you're so kind to keep sharing the credit for the things you see that make you glad. Off to check out your Pinterest now.

  2. Love it! Love seeing the real daffodils popping up everywhere this week too.
    I won't let myself near Pinterest. How do you have time for that? #impressed

  3. RandomHandprints3/20/2012 8:38 AM

    how do i have time for pinterest? it's more like how do i have time for anything else now that i'm on pinterest!

    (and yes, you are smart to stay away)

  4. RandomHandprints3/20/2012 8:39 AM

    and you're kind to put up with my blantant steal time and time again!

  5. Now that is a fun thing! Your town rocks!

  6. wow! i have never seen anything like that before! pretty neat!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy WW!

  7. Yarnstorming? I have never heard of that! Oh how fun!!

  8. RandomHandprints3/21/2012 10:01 PM

    it's very cool, sometimes the local group takes over a whole part of town and it looks amazing.

  9. RandomHandprints3/21/2012 10:02 PM


  10. Wow Anna, this is so cool! I've never heard of Yarnstorming . . . but I'm not surprised I heard it from you first! Off to check out your Pinterest board!


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