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Friday, February 3, 2012

Old Photo Friday: My Cat Casper

When I was five, my beloved grandfather "Gramps" gave me a cat for my birthday. She was a beautiful black and white cat, and I named her Casper, after Casper the Friendly Ghost, my favorite TV show.

Secretly, I knew it didn't make sense, as my Casper was not a white cat, but still, I loved T.V.-Casper and knew it was the perfect name for my cat, whether she was ghostly white or not.
With Casper.

After a few days with Casper, it became apparent that either Casper or my older brother (who it turns out, is deathly allergic to cats) was going to have to go.

In an incredibly rookie move my mom asked me which I'd like to keep, my cat or my brother. I looked at the lady like she was an idiot, and replied like it was the most obvious answer in the world (because to a five-year-old it was) "THE CAT!!!"

The next day, Casper was gone. I was shocked, incredulous - "But I TOLD YOU I wanted to keep THE CAT!"

And yet, despite my crying, wailing, and hysterics there was no reversing of her opinion.

Casper was relocated across the street, in what can only be described as the cat's lucky break. Casper went on to live a long, indulged and incredibly happy life with an elderly, retired and kind couple who gave the cat - really my cat - her very own room, as well as an entire other room just for her cat toys.

And me? I got liberal visitation rights to see Casper.

Visiting Casper in her new home.

And the knowledge that despite all appearances to the contrary, a great wrong had happened here.

I'm taking a trip down memory lane every Friday until I get bored of digging around my old photos, or until I run out of material.

I'm linking-up to Yeah Write, click here to read more stories from this incredible writing community.
read to be read at yeahwrite.me


  1. We inherited a cat after she escaped a fire down the street. She was mostly an outdoor cat, though, and liked the food and the privacy of the basement more than she liked us.

    I love this Old Photo Friday stint you're doing - I may have to steal it.

  2. RandomHandprints5/15/2012 11:04 AM

    Oh how I would love some Old Photo Friday company!

  3. I've been thinking a lot about writing stories to go with old photos. If I do that, will you be mad at me for stealing? ;)

    I don't see why the brother couldn't go live across the street. Geez!

  4. RandomHandprints5/15/2012 11:31 AM

    I know! The elderly couple would have loved to hang with a seven-year-old boy!

    And yes would love the-more-the-merrier telling the stories behind our old photos.

  5. So sweet! I also have found memories of my cat when I was little. I love that you have pictures to go with your story!

  6. I really like that you are writing stories around old photos. My youngest would have booted her siblings for sure. She is a teenage crazy cat person.

  7. I would have picked my brother over a cat...but I would have resented him for it. So the feelings would have been the same!

    I'm glad that you got to visit your cat often though! What a nice foster family for Casper.

  8. Ladygoogoogaga20115/15/2012 3:17 PM

    Cute story, but what's happening with that kiddie pool in the picture??

  9. I agree with Mamamash, seems like your brother should've been sent across the street. Haha!

  10. Hehehe I love the pics. Sorry you couldn't keep casper!

  11. Shannon Vander Meulen5/16/2012 1:30 AM

    I love the idea of using a photo as a jumping off point for a story. Very creative, just the right amount of detail.

  12. When my kids were small we discovered that the only animal on earth I was allergic to was their pet guinea pigs. Luckily, their dad was willing to have the guinea pigs so the boys could still have them.

  13. ah, i do love how you named him casper no matter the resemblance. i once had one named pookie. no reason, just fun to say. :)

  14. Sisterhoodofthesensiblemoms5/16/2012 9:29 PM

    I agree with Mamamash---what a fun idea! Cute story too. Erin

  15. Michelle Longo5/16/2012 9:52 PM

    Old Photo Friday is such a great idea! And how wonderful that you were able to still see Casper even after his eviction!

  16. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:56 PM

    Yes, I was very lucky he was relocated just across the street.

  17. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:57 PM

    Thanks, I'll look forward to seeing some of your old photos next :)

  18. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:57 PM

    pookie *is* fun to say!

  19. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:58 PM

    i think we need someone to invent allergy-free guinea pigs. and cats.

  20. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:58 PM

    thanks so much!

  21. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:58 PM

    it was a sad end to my few weeks of cat ownership. luckily i have moved on. sort of.

  22. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:59 PM

    we still joke about it!

  23. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 9:59 PM

    It was the 1970s, what was happening with the kiddie pool? who knows, could be anything really....

  24. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 10:00 PM

    casper definitely had a dream life in his new digs. and i think having him really did mean a lot to the elderly couple. i guess everything really does happen for a reason.

  25. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 10:00 PM

    thanks, and here's to crazy cat people of all ages!

  26. RandomHandprints5/16/2012 10:01 PM

    childhood pets are the best!

  27. My pawpaw gave me a cat that turned out to be one of my best friends ever...so naturally, I adored this story. And I totally would have chosen the cat over the brother, too :)

  28. I always end up saying that you shouldn't give a child a choice question if their answer doesn't count. I agree with Mamamash; your brother could have moved out. It wasn't like it was far away.

  29. treadingwaterinthekiddiepool5/17/2012 11:32 AM

    Totally should have ditched the brother!

  30. I recently started digitizing all our old family photos. Many blog posts have arisen out of this.

  31. RandomHandprints5/17/2012 4:19 PM

    My mom did a great thing and digitized all our family photos and gave them to my (since forgiven for the cat incident) brother and me. I am surprised though how few photos there are from those pre-digital camera days.

  32. RandomHandprints5/17/2012 4:20 PM


  33. RandomHandprints5/17/2012 4:20 PM

    i agree! and based on casper's luxury hotel treatment who knows what a kid would've gotten. he could have totally made me wish i had his fancy retired-people digs!

  34. RandomHandprints5/17/2012 4:21 PM

    pappaw cat's are the best :) thanks so much for sharing and coming by!


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