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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NaBloPoMo - I Hardly Knew Ye

So, I did it. A month of posts in honor of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) plus one more for good luck, for a total of 31 posts. It went by so fast. How is it December tomorrow already?

I had a lot of fun participating, and to be honest, I don't think I wrote any more (or less) than in any other month. The only difference was instead of hitting "draft" as I usually do, I hit "publish" instead.

I started the month with the plan to use NaBloPoMo as a time to clean-out my lingering - perhaps even malingering - posts in draft status - I had close to 200 of them.  As of today, I now have 143. Not exactly empty, but progress just the same.

And my basement that started the month looking like this:

Ended the month looking exactly the same. So much for the whole idea of "making yourself publicly accountable."
And perhaps best of all, at the end of this month of writing my own daily posts and reading the posts of others, I got this in the mail, my very first article in print - 5 ho-ho-ho-liday books in New Jersey Family magazine.

So, NaBloPoMo I enjoyed spending time with you. And while I'm sure we'll meet again it won't be in December. For now, I have a basement to clean. And a few posts to publish, or delete.

That should keep me busy.

Thank you New Jersey Family for all the opportunities you have given me and for making my first tear sheet possible (though my husband has asked me to never use the phrase "tear sheet" again).


  1. Yay to finishing nablomopo....and who cares about the basement, really? In the scheme of things? It's the BASEment. Bottom, underneath, usually (unless you're a blog-writing type person) no one has to go there! Make it a "new year's" chore and you're all set. And CONGRATS on the tear sheet! : )

  2. You rock for finishing NaBloPoMo. And remember, love your basement for what it is. Because once you start wishing it to be something else, you could end up like me ;)

  3. Wow, congrats on your NJ Family article and NaBloPoMo! I know for a fact that, if someone paid me a thousand bucks, I could never write a blog post a day for a month. Never. Hats off to you!

  4. ANNA! That is big pimpin. I am so proud of you. Not about the basement though. I'm shaking my head over that.

  5. And we'll be glad to send you your second TEAR sheet (a two-pager, nonetheless!) in January! Your fans (and ours) will love 112 fun things to do in 2012!

  6. How fun that you've been working with them, and good for you for pulling out one extra post more than you needed just to kick Nano in the butt!

  7. Anna--we are pleased and proud to have you as a contributor to New Jersey Family, and here's hoping your Holiday Books tear sheet is the first of many :)

  8. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:38 PM

    thank you and i couldn't agree more - the basement has been cut-off until further notice.

  9. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:39 PM

    i don't mean to add insult to injury, but i actually do remind myself of that...hoping for a turn for the better soon!

  10. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:39 PM

    thanks, jennifer. i took the easy way out on quite a few posts (i.e., photo only) so it wasn't so bad.

  11. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:40 PM

    the basement is bad. but isn't that what new year's resolutions are for? i will so be cleaning it out then. for reals. no, seriously i will.

  12. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:41 PM

    thanks so much, lucy! i'd be lying if i said i wasn't looking forward to seeing it in all it's two-page glory.

  13. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:42 PM

    thanks, liz! you have nablopomo every month on your blog, you are amazing like that.

  14. RandomHandprints12/02/2011 10:43 PM

    Thanks so much, Farn! If it wasn't there in black-n-white, I'd hardly believe it myself.


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.