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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kay Takes (Another) Sick Day

I will admit it: my daughter Kay does not have a stellar school attendance record. She acts as if daily attendance is a suggested guideline, and not an actual mandate.

With this in mind, I make a concerted effort to make sure her days at home are not that fun. Today she was legitimately able to miss a school day (she was less than 24 hours fever-free) even though she was not really still sick.

I told her to find something do in the kitchen while I did the dishes.

She found toothpicks:

And, with help from her loyal sidekick Giraffe-y, made this:

And then this:

With the day still young, she deemed it Giraffe-y's birthday, and dressed her up in her best finery:

And invited Seal-y over for a party-in-a-shoe (which apparently are all the rage):

All in all, Kay had a good sick day. Maybe even too good. (Self-portrait with mommy's phone.)

But tomorrow?

Kay, you're going to school.


Linking-up to Finding the Funny. 'Cause I LOVE Funny.

Read them all at My Life and Kids and Kelley's Break Room.


  1. She is so creative! I am glad she is feeling better :)

  2. RandomHandprints11/15/2011 10:18 PM

    thanks! let's hope she doesn't have a "relapse" right when it's time to go to school.

  3. this reminds me of my son's throwing up at school so I had to take him home day.
    It was after a school party in the morning, and he couldn't have eaten more that evening if he tried.

  4. Poor thing! At least you give her some activities :)

  5. Party-in-a-shoe sounds awesome!
    My 7YO son loves those big-eyed stuffed animals like Giraffey.
    Hope your girl is feeling better!

  6. RandomHandprints11/17/2011 4:47 PM

    the big-eyed stuffed animals are a hit at our house too. my 2-year-old calls them all cat which at first i thought was riddiculous, but i have come around to his point of view - i mean giraffey has no neck! he is a total cat giraffe!

  7. Sounds like a fun sick day. Hope to see you soon!

  8. You silly! I would rather stay home and do art projects with mommy too!!

  9. Patricia Purcell5/09/2012 8:14 AM

    My kids like sick days too...and we homeschool! It must just be the break in the routine that's fun for them.

  10. Ha! That sounds like a fun day to me! I love how she color coordinated the toothpicks. What struck me about this acitivity was how quiet it must've been. I don't have a lot of those kinds of activities going on around my house! Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny this week!


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