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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Niece Day!

As of yesterday, I'm the proud new auntie to a super-cute and awesome baby girl, Rosie.

Here's Rosie with proud daddy and grandma:

 And getting ready for her close-up:

I hope my niece's parents approve of their daughter being excellent and fair game blogging material, but I won't post again until I hear the word.

Update: Rosie's image can be used! Hooray!


  1. Congratulations! Both of my nephews were already older kids when I got married, so I will not know this feeling unless my little brother has children someday. (And he is very far away from that!)

    Beautiful baby!

  2. CONGRATS! She's beautiful!

  3. YAY! Congrats to your family on the beautiful new addition!

  4. Thanks for the shout out, keep 'em coming! Little Lulu loves the hype...

  5. RandomHandprints11/29/2011 9:15 PM

    thank you so much!

  6. RandomHandprints11/29/2011 9:15 PM

    thank you!

  7. RandomHandprints11/29/2011 9:15 PM

    i'm excited to have additional blog fodder. er i mean i am really happy to have a new niece!

  8. RandomHandprints11/29/2011 9:16 PM

    We will give her the blog name little Rosie!


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