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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Few Fun Ideas for Halloween - Costumes, Jack-O'Lanterns and Creepy Treats

With this being the homestretch last-week-before-Halloween, I wanted to share some fun Halloween ideas I wrote over at New Jersey Family in case you still have kids to costume, pumpkins to decorate, or snacks to bring to the class party.

10 Easy Kids Costumes You Can Make Yourself

10 Easy (and Not So Easy) Jack O'Lantern Decorating Ideas

6 Fun and Healthy Halloween Treats

4 Ghoulishly Fun Duct Tape Halloween Projects

I am in the middle of making my own Halloween duck tape masterpiece, hopefully it will be done in time...

Have you made anything cool for Halloween? Please leave links in the comments below - I would love to check it out!


  1. Emkaraswafford10/25/2011 1:46 PM

    When will you be announcing the duck tape winners?

  2. later tonight, probably around 10pm EST. Thanks!

  3. Those cheese stick fingers are a great find! Too funny. And I have to do the clementine faces because I overbought...can I get away with giving them away on Hallowe'en?

  4. Those costumes are sooooo cute!

  5. RandomHandprints10/26/2011 12:24 PM

    I think giving away clementines is a perfect halloween treat! unrelated question - my husband would like to know if your house looks good in toilet paper.

  6. You mean me? Uh, no, I could never make any of this. Well, maybe if I tried really hard.


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