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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

{Wordless Wednesday} First Day of First Grade (and Third Grade, too)

Today my kids started school. Here's Kay all first-graded out.

And here they are together, the first-grader and the already jaded third-grader:

It seems like just yesterday I was sending Mapgie off to first grade, and Kay to pre-k.

Tomorrow the little guy starts Nursery School. And I guess in four years, I'll add his first grade photo here, too.

For now, I'm working on explaining to him the baffling concept that an ice cream cone and a shoe cone are not the same thing.

Happy Back to School! How did everyone's first day of school go?


  1. Time goes so fast! Your kids are so cute!

  2. My eldest starts High school tomorrow. My 2nd starts kindergarten. only 2 left at home. sigh. your kids are adorable!

  3. Oh, by the way, I became your 99th Follower with my The Literary Lioness blog and your 100th follower with the New Jersey Memories blog! Congratulations!

  4. Such personality they certainly are a pair..

    luv the socks in the last pic

  5. They definitely look happy to go back!

  6. Is Magpie practicing her "sullen teen" look? And do first graders have to carry laptops now?

  7. Princess Nagger just started 3rd grade, too! she was as 'excited' as Magpie looks in that picture. ;) Your girls are adorable! :)

    WW: Little Dude the (Chocolate) Ham

  8. @stacy uncorked i'm glad my daughter isn't the only third grader sporting 'tude already.

    @l.e.s.ter - kay is copying the look of the middle schooler next door - who does in fact have to carry a laptop.

  9. I love how they're kinda sassy in those photos! Glad it went well!

  10. Cute kiddos!

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