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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One of these plants is not like the others

It was, all the way around, a dismal year for my garden.

My tray of seedling tomato mystery plants I forgot to label ended up looking like this:

And because I look for meaning perhaps where there is no meaning to be found, I can't help but ponder why one plant - that I can only believe had the same soil, sun and water as her siblings - made it.


  1. Huh. Look at that. I have no clue why one would take and all the others didn't. But, er, I don't mean to judge, but on the plant with the leaves...shouldn't there be tomatoes also?

  2. RandomHandprints9/20/2011 10:43 AM

    good point. i guess the plant isn't an over-achiever. also, i'm still hopeful it will get tomatoes - is that totally impossible?

  3. Sorry, but...I would be completely shocked if that plant grew a tomato at this point. Not your fault, of course. Blame it on the dang weather.

  4. I just love that there was a survivor in the bunch!

  5. I hate to be the one to break the news, but that does not look like a tomato plant. Looks more like a cuke or squash. Or maybe a random weed. Whatever it is, it certainly is healthy though! I suggest re-potting it to give it the best chance.

  6. RandomHandprints9/20/2011 4:17 PM

    i guess if it *did* grow a tomato then i would really a blog post!

  7. RandomHandprints9/20/2011 4:18 PM

    me too. i guess nature finds a way.

  8. Kristy Lorenzen9/20/2011 8:50 PM

    Oh, no! I can't stand it when plants don't make it and you just don't know why!

  9. 1 out of 9 isn't THAT bad...

  10. RandomHandprints9/20/2011 10:48 PM

    Good point and I love your glass "half full" outlook.

  11. RandomHandprints9/21/2011 10:03 PM

    me neither. hopefully next year i'll have a very different looking photo to post!


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