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Monday, September 12, 2011

My corporate sell-out fail.

So, my blog is all kinds of a mess right now. I tried to make a quick-and-easy change to the page layout so I could add ads to the page and I'll be one of those people who earn money while I sleep.

But now my dear lil blog is all busted.

But tomorrow is another day, and I will apply my very-limited-it's-practically-nil technical and design skills and I'm sure it'll be back to normal soon enough.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience.

And if you have any advice for color scheme, design or anything else leave me a comment!

Update: I think I've fixed-up the blog as well as I'm going to be able to with my mad design and technical skillz. If I've overlooked something that doesn't work or looks all kinds of bad, please tell me.


  1. That's why I can't mess with mine. I'm terrified of breaking it, although this really doesn't look that bad. :)

    Good luck with the fix!

  2. I like the wider layout. You should check Gracely designs ( http://gracelydesigns.blogspot.com/). It is a teenage girl with a great eye for photography and a design whiz. For $15 she will make you a header, buttons, signature and widen your blog page. Cause it looks like that is what you struggle with.
    Your content is great, that is what truly matters.

  3. thanks @stasha i'll definitely check-out gracely designs, and i went into blogger options and widened the page, great advice!

  4. It looks good to me. I like the gray color on the sides. Very soothing.

  5. Just thinking about blog redesign makes my hairs turn gray. I'm in the middle of it right now and, oh, look, there's another gray hair.

  6. You are hysterical! I love the title of this post. I'm sure it will work out, and I don't think it looks great. Of course, I'm catching up on reading so late that maybe you already fixed it! Good luck with earning $$ while you sleep - is that why you have that Sleepy's sleep advice? ;)

  7. It's looking great! Congrats on adding the ads.

  8. RandomHandprints9/25/2011 9:15 PM

    thank you, and also thank you for not being judge-y about the ads. i felt a little mixed about doing that, but then decided to just try it and see how it goes.

  9. RandomHandprints9/25/2011 9:17 PM

    i can only imagine with the huge amount of traffic my blog gets that those ads are going to *easily* pay the mortgage, possibly also the cable bill. And do it all... while I sleep!


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