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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: In Mommy's Shoes

Last weekend, my husband and I went to a dear friend's wedding. In Chicago. Without our kids. It was fantastic.

Before we left, I let my kid take a trip down the hallway in mommy's fancy shoes.

He was delighted.

Coming next week, the Polly Pocket retrospective I thought I'd have done already. It's taking longer than I thought it would. That girl has got a lot of shoes. And purses.


  1. So cute - And nice shoes! What size are those?

  2. Heehee. adorable.

    Hope you had a great time! Sounds perfect. (the kid-less part of it ;)

  3. HAHA! So cute! My son puts on my shoes a lot and tries to walk around in 'em. It's the funniest thing ever, but I always get scared that he's gonna fall. LOL.

  4. Quite the fashinonista (fashionistum?) ... As for the Polly Pocket retrospective? Yikes. She's everywhere, that polly. My boys actually went through a Polly phase and I found her frequently "swimming" in various sinks in our house. The good thing about Polly is that when you step on those little bits & pieces, they don't stab you the way legos do. But I'm sure that PP was designed by some lunatic with a secret S&M fetish...all that latex and rubber? Seriously.

  5. That is just too funny! They sure love clomping around in those,don't they?

  6. My son does the same thing. Anytime I have fancy shoes out he's facinated with them and tries to walk around in them.

  7. aww, that brings back memories... tho my youngest preferred his fathers shoes, esp his tall cowboy boots! my first visit from WI. ~Faythe @GrammyMouseTails

  8. Sounds like a fabulous time!

    And, the what a fun time in the shoes, too. Kids and grown up shoes crack me up!

  9. You have to love the mini me's!

  10. That's what my booty looks like in high heels, too.


  11. Oh that is so sweet! I love the photo. And the walking in your shoes. I'm always amazed by the fascination the wee ones have with walking around the house in my shoes. So cute :)

  12. So happy to hear you had some adult time. =)


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