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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Barbies. And more Barbies. And even more Barbies.

For all of you who visited the Polly Pocket retrospective last week, thank you for coming by and for your comments and commiseration.

This week, I thought I'd go ahead and share my Barbie collection woes as well.

I have two daughters. They're ages five and seven. In these years they have managed to amass a boggling amount of Barbies. (And Polly Pockets, but you've already heard about that.)

Yesterday, in an effort to put our home in some sort of order before yet another school year is upon us, I had the girls clean their rooms. And then for fun, I took a photo of all those Barbies. Ten Barbies, plus a Flairy and two mini Kelly-sister-of-Barbie dolls.

Of course, then I realized there were tons more Barbies lurking in drawers and secret hiding places. Are you ready for this? 21 Barbies, 1 Boy Doll (I think from High School Musical), 1 Flairy, and 2 mini dolls.* 

I'll be honest, it didn't really seem so bad.  Then we went downstairs. Where there were more, oh so many more. Final Barbie over-consumption tally? 27 Barbies, 1 Boy Doll, 2 Flairies, and 3 mini dolls.

It's actually sorta funny that my daughters have so many Barbies, as I am not really a fan myself (for all the usual feminist reasons) and Barbies were not a part of my childhood (again, because my mom had the same feminist reasoning).

Magpie and Kay - I can't wait to see what you think of this collection when you're adults, and perhaps, feminists too.

As you may recall, the home clean-up continued with Polly Pocket: A Photo Essay in 867 small pieces. Next up, I tackle my son's enormous car and train collection.

* One of the mini dolls is not photographed here because Kay had to play with her even if it totally messed-up Mommy's blog photo, not to mention the accompanying copy on her blog post.

Let this be proof I didn't let my blog interfere with your playing.

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny. 'Cause I like funny. And Kelley and Anna who run this hilarious weekly party. Follow along on Twitter with #FindingtheFunny

Oh, and I like you. And your hair. Did you do something new?


  1. Nice hot pink motorcycle helmet, Barbie.

  2. @skramly that's not just any barbie, that's a danica patrick barbie.

  3. Not so Wordless, though. Also not so much Wednesday.

  4. @l.e.s.ter - wordfull is the new wordless wednesday. also? tuesday is the new wordless wednesday day.

  5. That cracks me up! I had so, so, so many Barbies when I was little, too. I have two boys, so we don't have any Barbies here. We have lots and lots and lots and lots of Star Wars toys, though!

  6. My daughter (2.5) just got her first Cinderella (fake) Barbie from Nana. I am very much trying to avoid getting more of them this early on...but my admonitions haven't worked with the "please no more pink" messages, so I doubt they'll work with Barbie-like dolls. Sigh.

    I remember really enjoying playing with Barbie (also a fake one). My friends had a PlayHouse and a Ken. They had a lot of sex. Even in the car. My Barbie ended up at the top of a very tall fir tree during a "Who can throw her Barbie higher?" contest.

  7. we dont even come close but I bet if I started looking, we have a few lurking in hidden corners.

    happy WW!
    I am afraid to see the polly pocket collection.

  8. Did you come to my house and take a picture? Why do we wind up with so many Barbie's? I actually still have many of mine too!

  9. Oh It's a wild Barbie Party... WHAT!! only 1 boy doll. I talked about my dd collection a few yrs ago and she had 2 boy dolls. 1 was NOT KEN> you know prince charming from Cinderella we had 2 LOL. I thought if Barbie is going to have a man around should be a good one. :D

  10. I thought you said you lived in New Jersey. It's clear to me that you've been lying. You live in FAO Schwarz, don't you. This might be the time to mention that I really still swoon over kids toys.

  11. I wasn't allowed to have Barbies, and didn't, until my parents went away for a long weekend and the babysitter (grown daughter of a friend of theirs) said "gosh, you don't have barbies? do you want my old ones...?" My parents came home to one VERY happy seven year old. I did have the Sunshine Family Dolls, do you remember them? (And I won't even mention that GI Joe's hand was the exact curve of Barbies...well, you can figure it out)...

  12. i am loving all the tales of the secret life of barbie!

    @Kerri - please, please post a pic of your collection! would love to see the differences between the old-school and new style barbies.

  13. That is absolutely crazy!! They're multiplying like rabbits over there!

  14. I had one Barbie and I just thought it was dumb. Found you at finding the funny.


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