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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Portrait of Polly (Pocket) in 827 Tiny Pieces

Two weeks ago I photographed my kids gigantic Barbie collection. This week I'm documenting Polly Pocket: A Portrait in 827 Tiny Pieces.

Here, I present the Polly Pocket dolls all twenty-something of them:

But the Polly Pocket dolls are not the main part of the story. The real story of Polly Pocket is the itty-bitty accessories. The nineteen purses.

The fourteen pairs of matching shoes.

And in our case, the thirty-five unmatched shoes:

My mother and I, who are both clearly a similar type of crazy, spend forever matching the shoes. We put them in pairs, in little plastic boxes.

We admonished the children, "Put the shoes back in the itty bitty plastic boxes when you're done!"

We begged the children, "Please, please don't mix-up the shoes!"

Of course, they don't listen. Instead of matched shoes in the itty bitty boxes, there is this:


But what really gets me is who makes these shoes? Are "they" out to drive moms (and grandmas) out of their minds? Who thinks to make eight pairs of hot pink doll shoes that are all different, yes oh-so-very-similar.

Look closely. These are nine more pink shoes. That don't match. Not a one.

And maybe now it's time for me to stop matching shoes, and instead, to take the advice of an older friend, whose children are now grown (and who turned out just fine).

She told me, after listening to a particularly long tale of Polly and her shoe collection, "Quit talking about how the Polly Pocket shoes keep getting lost and get out the damn vacuum. Life is too short."

What do you think - should Polly and her shoe collection get the vacuum?

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny. Because that's what I like to do.

Head over to Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids to read a lot of really funny stuff.


  1. They are the work of the devil.

  2. My kids both have fairy dolls - and those tiny shoes are the bane of my existence. I tried to explain that real fairies don't wear shoes...no dice.

  3. All I can say is I am glad I have a son!

  4. LOVE this post!! I say we start a campaign for doll companies to make 4 different shoes and THAT IS IT. that way, when one is lost you can have 4 others sitting there. all the same style.
    this drives me insane too. we have barbies here and omg I hate them LOL

  5. this is awesome! PP was my fav!

  6. I used to sort out all of my daughter's barbie accessories, shoes, clothing into their own pretty little plastic bins. She would always immediately mix them back up by playing with them so I finally gave up and let her dolls live in mayhem.... it's so much easier that way.

  7. All I can think about is what it would feel like to step on a handful of those suckers. I am thinking this because I stepped on some Legos yesterday. Good times.

  8. Polly sure has got a lot of shoes! No Birkenstocks?

  9. not sure I've heard of Polly Pocket but that chick has a lot of stuff! :)

  10. OMG. I just wrote a post about the insanity that is boy play. But then I read about these here Polly Pocket shoes. And I'm counting my lucky stars that my boys don't give a hoot about PP.

  11. happy i dodge that bullet!!
    happy post WW!

  12. Well, I'm adding my own brand of crazy to this because I actually stared at the two different pink shoe pictures for awhile to see if any of the shoes match.

    And now my eyes and head hurt.

  13. @TNMOTBlog - that is a special kind of crazy! clearly you are a good mom with that kind of attention to detail. :)

  14. @TNMOTBlog - that is a special kind of crazy! clearly you are a good mom with that kind of attention to detail. :)

  15. hahaha - oh heavens! I started to not like you very much when I saw the picture of the purses and matching shoes. But then you became my BFF when I saw all the single shoes with no match. I have so many itty bitty toy parts around my house and it drives me CRAZY!

  16. Kelleysbreakroom5/23/2012 2:11 PM

    This is so funny! We don't have Polly Pockets but we do have Star Wars guys. Instead of purses, there are guns and helmets.

    Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny!

  17. RandomHandprints5/23/2012 5:17 PM

    and i've heard polly and star wars has nothing on a lego stepped on in the dead of night!

  18. RandomHandprints5/23/2012 5:18 PM

    you and me both. i say we petition to have the kids stop playing with their toys all together. i take it your in?

  19. I confess. Anything smaller than a my-little-pony goes in the trash as soon as possible. If my mother-in-law visits, she will TOTALLY put the shoes together and be vexed with us for losing all of them.

  20. I can't bring myself to vac them up because then I know I'll find the match right away. I just leave them wherever my daughter left them - one in the carpet, one in the jewelry box, two in the skillet on her play stove, one in her pillowcase, two in the dollhouse...

  21. Looking at all these purses and shoes was a definite fun blast from the past!

  22. Anna @ My Life and Kids5/29/2012 2:25 PM

    Woo hoo! One of the most clicked links at last week's Finding the Funny party! Featuring you tomorrow and pinned this!

  23. Thanks! I love my Polly Pocket pain at least could cause some laughs!

  24. oh i can't wait until polly pocket things are in the past!

  25. you are very smart. i must try and learn to do the same. in the meantime, i hate to admit it but your mother-in-law and i would have a great time matching shoes :)


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