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Friday, August 5, 2011

Congratulations to Kristie Jones! "Akin - A Story of a Boy" Selected as a BlogHer 2011 Voices of the Year

As I write this post, the annual BlogHer conference is happening in San Diego. And despite all the tweets reminding me of the good times and great people I'm missing, I'm fine that I'm not there. (Really. I'm not just saying that.)

I'm also proud to have my own small connection to this year's conference, and to be able to share a story about how blogging (and Twitter) are not a total waste of time.

In addition to everything else, the BlogHer conference highlights selected blog posts that have been chosen as Voices of the Year. Some of those posts are also being read tonight at the Community Keynote event (OK, I might be a little bit less fine about missing this).

I nominated Kristie Jones' post A Story of a Boy - Akin, which was a guest post she wrote at Our Cups Runneth Over. I'll be honest, this blog is not on my usual circuit (though it should be), but Amanda of New Mom on the Blog tweeted that the post was a must-read, so of course I clicked-over and must-read it.

And Amanda was right, this was an incredibly moving, and meaningful post. I was still thinking about the post when there came the call for submissions for Voices of the Year

So I nominated A Story of a Boy - Akin, and was beyond delighted to find out that not only was it selected as one of the 2011 Voices of the Year, but the post also received the most votes, so it received the People's Choice Award in the Perspective's category.

Congratulations, Kristie on being a BlogHer Voices of the Year.

And thank you, Kristie and Our Cups Runneth Over for sharing Akin's story.

I still think about it.


  1. Wow, cool that you played a part in that. Of course I now must go and read that post!

  2. So wish you were in SD over the weekend. Woulda make things so much more fun!


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